What is
To enable you to make the best use of the new WhatsApp campaigns feature, we wanted to give you the option of importing contacts that you have already saved with other software.
Every software that manages contacts, in fact, gives the possibility to export a list in csv format.
By importing these contacts you will be able to see and manage your entire customer history and not directly within isendu.
How it works
On the "All Contacts" page, clicking on the "Import via .csv" button (top right) will open the file upload screen. In this first step you can upload your csv file and check a few options:
- File includes column header (by checking this option, the system will understand that there is an initial header row and will not treat it as a row in the table to be imported)
- House number is part of the address (This option is usually used in shipping addresses)
- Use the last configured mapping (isendu keeps in memory the last mapping you made and allows you to use it again as many times as you want allowing you to do an import in just two clicks)
Clicking on the "Next" button (bottom right) then proceeds to the second step: mapping.
In this step you will need to link the columns in your csv file with those in isendu so that all the data are imported correctly.
The only mandatory column to be hooked is e-mail, the element around which the contact is saved. However, we recommend that you hook other key columns such as first name, last name, and phone in order to send marketing campaigns via WhatsApp.
Clicking on the "Import" button (bottom right) will open a warning window about GDPR compliance. By importing the contacts you confirm that you have obtained GDPR and profiling consents so that you can send, right away, marketing campaigns to the imported contacts.
The GDPR issue is a sensitive topic that we si isendu take seriously.
You can learn more about the topic in the dedicated article
Possible outcomes
There are 3 possible outcomes of a contact import:
- All contacts have been imported successfully In this case you will find all new contacts in the contact list ready to be placed in some sending list.
- Some contacts have been imported and others contain errors In this case we will give you the option of downloading a csv file that contains only the contacts that went into error with a column explaining the detail of the error. You will only need to correct the error directly in our csv and import it again to have a complete list.
- All contacts in the imported file contain errors Again, we will give you the option of downloading a csv file with a column explaining the detail of the error. You will only need to correct the error directly in our csv and import it again to load all new contacts correctly into isendu